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Our Experience 

1. Target Community 
The project was set to conduct community awareness campaign in Adama City on HIV/AIDS.

Project objective: -Enhance the skills and knowledge of most vulnerable youth and children  in selected schools in Admama Town.

Specific objective: - The project aimed at addressing the issues of HIV/AID prevention


Project activities: - training to school clubs, school children’s, promotion campaign for the prevention techniques

Status: - Completed in the life time of (2019- 2021)

4. Target community: Street women with children Adult and Elderly, children, Disables development and family empowerment

Under this title the following services are being delivered

  • Temporary home for children

  • Daily meal

  • Education and educational materials

  • Clothing support & Holiday togetherness

  • Preventive and curative health care, medication services

  • Rehabilitation and reunification

  • Sponsoring basic needs in general

2.Target community: Orphan and Vulnerable Children

Name of donor: watch and prey international ministry  

Date of funding: February 24/1/2022

Amount:  1,500,000.00

Project/ activity funded :support for children feeding & clothing school fee   

5. Target community: - Women, youths, Disables and families of sponsored children

  Project theme:  Soft skills and Entrepreneurship training


Activities: The following activities are being carried out under this activity

  • Providing soft skills on self-help attitude, psychological mindset, confidence building, paradigm shift (‘I can’), family planning, challenges conversion, positivism, etc.

  • Basic Entrepreneurship/business starting skill training for the groups

  • Help them on their financial mobilization and legality

  • Follow up and devise sustainability strategies of the groups

3. Target community: Orphan and Vulnerable Children

Name of donor: watch and prey international ministry  

Date of funding: March 15/2021

Amount:   1,350,000,00

Project/ activity funded: support for children feeding & clothing school fee

6.Children sponsorship and family economic strengthening

The following activities are being carried out under this activity

  • Access to quality education that is free of any charge with full educational materials, Tutorial services ,library and other school facilities

  • Provision of Supplementary food and general health care services

  • Seeking for abroad sponsorship

Donors and Partners

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