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The Full Story

Vineyard Children Home

Vineyard Children’s Home (VCH)  is a non-profit local CSO established by a group of dedicated and professional women’s as well as community members who found the rights of children and most disadvantaged women, the elderly, and persons with disabilities  in 2007. The VCH is registered by the Agency for Civil Society Organizations on November 25, 2022 as a Local Organization in accordance with  the Civil Society Organization Proclamation NO. 1113/2019 registration number 4266. VCH is one of the non-governmental civil society organization (CSO) that established in Oromia National Regional State, Adama City Administration and operate in Amhara, Deri Dawa and Addis Abeba intervention areas to  serve most  disadvantaged  population  group of peoples (  children  , Disables and women, street individuals) in the country.


  • General assembly is the highest body in the organizational structure of VCH and a total of 237 members were attended in our last general assembly meeting in 2022. There are also board members and out of the 5  board members, 3 are females.

  • The execution of management teams is responsible for programme implementation and relationship issues. It is consists of 7 individuals ( 3 Females ) led by an Executive Directress who are all Ethiopians. Under the Executive Directress, Program Managers, Administrative head, Finance Manager and Volunteerism  unit are found.



The organization's mission is stated as “ live to transform destitute children, orphan, youths, Disables, the elderly, women and their families with good, healthy, and happy lives through project intervention”.


To see action oriented holistic all-round deed development in the lives of underprivileged children, youths, Disables and women in particular and the larger target community in general.

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